Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Carol.... I Made a NEOCON Cry.... People Understand WHAT NISSAN DId Was Unethical and Bad for Society. When is the Tennessean Going to Report It?

Mitt Romney's campaign KNOWS that NISSAN does business in IRAN and support terrorists that are funding weapons that kill and harm our troops.  MItt Romney seems to "want to bomb Israel" but offers no plan to prevent it.  Mitt seems "trigger happy" and wants a war culture. Did his sons serve in the military.  Seems like rich people don't have children on the "front line" they don't understand sacrifice.  People in the military are disgusted by his comments on the 47%.  People that have served America overseas want a President that they respect but ALSO on that respects them.

nissan recently took out a 1.4 billion dollar dept of energy loan knowing they could not pay it back. they are building a car with outdated technology.  Than money should have been spent on creating "real" EV batteries that are viable that money should be used in ways that protect America and our troops

President Obama PLEASE when you win Do NOT cut the military budget.  America is a Nation that needs to restructure it's priorities BUT not by sacrificing National Security.  How about some Peace Through Strength.  It's more cost effective the blowing money on companies like NISSAN that fuel the Iranian economy while "ripping off the American taxpayer.  It's time for RESPECT to the taxpayer too.

Can someone at Gannett Michael Bloomberg WHY he gave the contract to NISSAN.  They do business with IRAN and are building the taxis in Mexico.  It is NOT a win for America... Whose getting a kickback?  It's not fair to the troops.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Carol Do YOU Get It.... Do YOU Understand the Harm Gannett Has Done to Society?

Carol- Seriously I'm beginning to think Your Corrupt... NOthing else Makes Sense.

Gannett is ignoring the story of Major fraud and it's all documented.  Your supposed to be the PUBLISHER of the Tennessean....

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Carol I don' Understand How YOU Can Sleep at Night..... Medication?

Gannett I cannot get a job because NISSAN destroyed my reputation after I whistle blew.  I exposed over 1 billion in fraud being done by a company that does business with IRAN.  NISSAN took over 1 billion to build a car with outdated technology and jobs they promised won’t happen.  Worse the collateral is an IDB bond that’s backed by the American taxpayers and the loan was funded by the treasury bank.   Y’all at the mainstream media know about it and won’t report it because your biased.  

Gannett Elite:  I can’t get a divorce until I can get a job because in America we have a horrible health insurance policies and divorced women are forced into bankruptcy because it’s difficult to find affordable coverage. NOW an Obama donor fired my daughters dad with a really “lame” reason. web stats show it was to stop me from blogging about Bloomberg doing business with companies that “fuel” Iran (NISSAN).   Anyway- I need to work so why don’t I work for you.... 

Here’s my pitch on being Gannett’s Center-Center Blogger.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Mainstream Media Pulls Article Saying NISSAN Leaf is a FLOP... Do Gannett Executieves Own NISSAN Stock? Why NOT Tell the Story of the Failed Foreign Made American Funded EV.... Americans Deserve RESPECT!!!!

Message to Reince Priebus

Time uses dreaded f-word to describe Nissan's Leaf (blog)-7 hours ago
Time magazine took aim at Nissan's Leaf, asking if it was time to call the all-electric vehicle a "flop." The magazine cited disappointing sales for ...

Takes Leaf OFF of their Websites Front Page - 
it's now "just a slide" maybe sales slide?

TIME called the 

Leaf a FLOP